FAQs Related To Booking 


How to Create An Account?

1) Visit GigaRider Online Store 

2) Select the date and time range for rental

3) Click on the "Cart" icon

4) GigaRider Online Store will prompt you to Sign In Or Sign Up 

5) Select "Sign Up" and fill in your particulars


Where to find the Account Confirmation Email?

After you have created an account in our online store. A confirmation email will be sent to the email provided during the signup. 
1) Visit your junk / spam mail box to look for the confirmation email 

2) Move the confirmation email out of the junk or spam mail box

3) Click on the verification link within the confirmation email to complete 

Foreign / International Riding License Holder.

Foreigners who are residing in Singapore for less than 12 months will have to produce a valid foreign driving license accompanied by a valid International Driver’s Permit (IDP) issued by an authorised body from their country of orign.

If the foreigner belongs to any ASEAN member countries, then a valid foreign driving license would be sufficient without the IDP.

Foreigners who are planning to reside in Singapore for more than 12 months are required to obtain a Singapore driving license before they begin driving in Singapore.

A foreigner above 18 years of age and holding a Work Pass/Dependent Pass/Student Pass may drive in Singapore with a valid (class 3, 3A or 2B) foreign licence, for a period of not more than 12 months. A Singapore driving licence is required after 12 months.

 You may find this link useful : https://www.police.gov.sg/Advisories/Traffic/Traffic-Matters 

Why I Can't Select The Date On The Date Picker?

This may occur due to browser history, cache and cookies. We can do either of the following :

1) Ensure the date & time selectd is valid (not back dated)

2) Use "Incognito" mode within the browser

3) Clear all data, history and cache of the browser

Can I Return The Motorcycle After Operation Hours?

Yes, you can.  All you need to do is 
1) Park your motorcycle at GigaRider within the designated area

2) Take 4 photos of the motorcycle (1 photo of each side of the motorcycle)

3) Send the photos to GigaRider as proof of return condition

4) Drop the key/FOB in our key drop box 

5) GigaRider will perform the Check-in of the motorcycle on the next operating day

6) Once the Check-in is completed and no issue are found, GigaRider will refund the deposit

How will My Deposit Be Refund?

Deposits will be refunded after the check-in is completed and no issues are found.

Card Payment

The deposit will be refunded to the card that was used for the charge. It will take up to 5 business days for the refund process to be completed.

Cash / PayNow Payment

The deposit will be refunded to the PayNow account that is linked to your mobile number. It will take up to 3 business days for the refund process to be completed.

How Long Does It Take For The Deposit Refund?

Based on the payment method, banking policy and payment gateway. 

It will takes 3 to 10 business days.