FAQs Related To Servicing

When Should I Go For Servicing?

Motorcycle regular servicing is important for the reliability and the health of the engine. In GigaRider, we do not skip or delay the maintain our our motorcycle. 

The following are the servicing interval (based on the Mileage on the Odometer) of all our motorcycle : 

  • 1,000k  - run-in
  • 4,000km
  • 7,000km
  • 10,000km
  • 13,000km
  • 16,000km
  • 19,000km
  • 22,000km
  • 25,000km
  • 28,000km
  • 31,000km
  • 34,000km
  • 37,000km
  • 40,000km
  • 43,000km
  • 46,000km
  • 49,000km

You can visit GigaRider appointed workshop(s) to perform the servicing.


Do I Pay For The Servicing?

Generally, no. The regular servicing cost is covered by GigaRider. 

In the events, like a puncture tire, broken mirror or bent lever. These will be chargeable to the rider.