FAQs Related To Motorcycle

The Motorcycle Can't Start, Why?

You can perform these simple checks before determine if the motorcycle is faulty and requires a towing service.

1) Ensure the key is turn to On. If you are using a FOB (keyless), ensure the FOB is within 30cm radius of the motorcycle.

2) Check if the FOB is being turn off accidently by Press & Hold on the On/Off Button (the Power Or Key Icon) on the FOB.

*There should be a blinking LED light if it's on

3) Ensure that the Side Stand is UP 

4) Ensure the Engine Kill Switch is OFF (for manual models only)

If all of the above are checked are performed and the motorcycle still cannot start, we will then procced with the tow to our GigaRider appointed workshop(s).

Motorcycle Refuse To Start When The Ignition Switch Is Press?

You can perform a few checks to identify the likely issue.

1) Ensure the key is fully turn to ON

2) Ensure that you are engaging the rear break with sufficient force (for automatic scooters)

3) Ensure the Side Stand is UP

4) Ensure that the Kill Switch is OFF

If the above 4 pointers are performed and the issue still persist, then

5) Monitor if the battery voltage is below 11.6V via the Dashboard (not appliable to all model)

6) Monitor if the Dashboard backlight or display flickers when the ignition is press

If point 5 or 6 occurs, likely the issue is cause by weak voltage in the battery. 

Visit FAQ -> Breakdown, How? to find out more

Breakdown, How? (During Operation Hours)

Break down do occur sometimes due to user operation or external factors. 

When your motorcycle broke down, these are the steps to take :

1) Stay clam

2) Turn off the engine and remove the key / FOB

3) Move yourself and the motorcycle to a safe spot (if the motorcycle is unmovable for any reason i.e wheels got jammed up etc, you can leave the motorcycle there and move yourself to a safe spot)

4) Contact GigaRider and we will assist you from there

Breakdown, How? (After Operation Hours)

Break down do occur sometimes due to user operation or external factors. 

When your motorcycle broke down, these are the steps to take :

1) Stay clam

2) Turn off the engine and remove the key / FOB

3) Move yourself and the motorcycle to a safe spot (if the motorcycle is unmovable for any reason i.e wheels got jammed up etc, you can leave the motorcycle there and move yourself to a safe spot)

4) Contact GigaRider appointed Towing Service to Tow the motorcycle to GigaRider appointed Workshop for inspection

***No Towing Is Allow On Expressway***
Contact EMAS - 1800-2255 582 - if your motorcycle broke down on expressway. 

EMAS will tow your motorcycle to the nearest public carpark. Thereafter you will then engage GigaRider appointed Towing Service

5) Contact GigaRider on the towing arrangement made, GigaRider will follow up with the incident on the next operation day

Replacement Motorcycle?

In the events of breakdown which is not cause by the rider, GigaRider will provide a temporary replacement motorcycle to cover the down time.

You can contact GigaRider to make the arrangement and pick up the replacement motorcycle at GigaRider office during operation hours.

IU Not Working, How?

The IU is an electronic device which can be tricky to understand at times. These are the following steps you can take to resolve :

1) Ensure you engine is running before you insert in  your cashcard

2) Ensure you are using the correct type of cashcard 

3) Ensure you have sufficient amount left in your cashcard 

4) Ensure that your cashcard is fully inserted into the IU sort

5) You will see the IU screen showing your cashcard value when it is correctly inserted

6) Adjust your motorcycle parking or handlebar position at the gantry (ensure that your IU is directing towards the gantry scanner)

If all of the above fails, do proceed to GigaRiger for an inspection.